Welcome to Year 4
Class of 2018-2019
In Year 4, we work hard to make our time in school interesting, productive and enjoyable.
The topic that we are going to be exploring in the Autumn term is ‘Ancient Greece’. In the Spring term, we will move on to ‘Ancient Rome’ and then in the Summer Term we will learn about ‘The UK’.
We will also be studying a number of brilliant texts in English and expanding our thinking across topics in Maths. In Computing, we will be focusing on logical thinking and creating presentations, animations and games on screen. There will also be a focus in French on exploring new vocabulary and linking this with our own language, whilst in Art there will be time for creativity and exploration of new techniques. We'll develop our skills, tactics and qualities as team players in P.E and we'll explore important aspects of religion to those with various faiths in RE. Across Science topics, we will take part in active experiments and develop our understanding of living things, electricity, sound and states of matter.