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For further information on the curriculum that we  teach, please speak with Mrs Morton.

June 2021

Sports Day

Celebration of Reading Day 

Daisy’s Daddy, in his other role as ‘Captain Chemistry’, came into school to work with us on some investigations based on Julia Donaldson’s ‘Snail and the Whale’. 

We looked closely at real garden snails through a special camera. 

We investigated which acid makes the best erupting volcano. We used washing up liquid, warm water, some food colouring, an acid (lemon juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, lime juice , white vinegar or brown vinegar) and bicarbonate of soda. Wow, wow, wow!!

Our afternoon finished with making slime!

May 2021

NSPCC Number Day

April 2021

March 2021

We’re back to school to celebrate World Book Day.

Can you guess who we are?

February 2021
Learning about Chinese New Year

Where is China?

Making an ox for Year of the Ox

Lantern Making

Do you like our scary Nian monsters?

Dragon Dancing

We enjoyed our Chinese counting challenge.

Blossom Trees for our Chinese New Year cards.

Writing Chinese numerals.

We tried noodles, prawn crackers with sweet & sour or sweet chilli sauce and lychees.

January 2021
Our home and school learners have loved our robot theme. Take a look at our pictures...

At school, when learning the ‘ur’ sound, we talked about lemon curd. Only one person had tried it so we bought some and tried lemon curd on toast. It was a great success!

Home Learning and Building Snowmen

When learning about toys, we saw that many years ago children played with pegs. We were given some wooden pegs and decided to make some dolly pegs. What differences can you see?

December 2020
Christmas Party Day!

We had a special visitor who brought presents!

Party games

Christmas Crafts

Making calendars - using hand and fingerprints to make seasonal trees

November 2020
Today has been an exciting day - our new climbing frame was delivered and fitted!

We pulled up seats to watch the installation.

The stages of installation...

We wore odd socks to school and talked about our differences. We decided we need to show care and kindness to everyone.

As part of anti-bullying week, we talked about friendship. We discussed different behaviours that are friendly and unfriendly.

We went on an autumn walk to look at our school grounds. We looked for differences the season of autumn has made.

We enjoyed eating our Pudsey biscuits!

We decorated Pudsey Bear biscuits with spots and stripes.

We joined in with the end of Joe Wicks’ 24 hour exercise-athon. We were tired after 20 minutes!

We enjoyed our non-uniform day wearing spots, stripes and Pudsey outfits.

When learning about the Hindu Festival of Diwali, the children made connections as some parts of it reminded them of Christmas. We talked about decorations, wearing new clothes, spending time with family and lots of eating and drinking. 

We made Rangoli patterns using coloured rice powder.

We wore our poppies to visit the Memorial Garden on Remembrance Day.

We made poppies, choosing from a variety of media.

We went on a shape hunt around school to look for circles and triangles. We were amazed by how many we found. Can you spot them too?

Bonfire Pictures - we printed using fluted cardboard tubes and paint.

Phonics - week beginning 2nd November

This week we have had a focus on listening for the sounds we have learned and blending sounds together to read words.

October 2020

Celebrating Harvest - Reception learned ‘Big, Red Combine Harvester’.

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We enjoyed a ‘Spooky Day’.

We played some party games: ‘The Witch is in the Cave’, ‘Musical Skeletons’ and ‘Musical Cauldrons’.

They were delicious!

Phonics - week beginning 19th October
Friday - o
Thursday - g

Wednesday - d

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Tuesday - m
Monday - n

Making Icing Sugar - Predicting Changes

Phonics - week beginning 12th October
Friday - i

Thursday - p

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Wednesday - t

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Tuesday - a

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Monday - s

Still image for this video

Making Bread - we discussed the changes we saw when making our own bread rolls.

Eating Bread - some of us had jam and butter too!

We talked about the Christian festival of Harvest and how farmers are thankful for their crops at this time of year. 

It’s Soup Day! We chopped carrots, leeks and sweet potato for our own soup. It was delicious!

We went on a leaf hunt to collect leaves for our maths sorting activity.

September 2020
European Day of Languages- Spain

We made ‘Sangria’.

Darren and Caitlin, from the School Sports Partnership, came into school to deliver a balance bike session.