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Welcome to our mathematics page. 

Here you will find detailed information about our mathematics curriculum.  Please also take the time to visit our Maths is Marvellous page.

Statement of Intent

At Finchale Primary School, we are committed to providing a high quality mathematics education which excites and engages all pupils. This is supported by different activities including our ‘Finchale Maths Day’ and the Primary Mathematics Challenge. Our carefully planned curriculum allows our pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.  This enables them to explain and reason mathematically by using and applying their mathematical understanding, whilst building upon previously learned skills to help them on their journey to master mathematics. We want them to become independent problem-solvers who show competence in solving sophisticated problems.  Our pupils should take risks in their learning and challenge themselves. We strive to develop their ability to make rich connections within the mathematics programme of study, the whole school curriculum and the wider world. We aim to provide opportunities for our more able mathematicians to be stretched appropriately. We endeavour to develop an enthusiastic, creative and resilient attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Curriculum Information

Below are the intended mathematics plans for each year group in school.  Staff and pupils will follow this sequence of teaching.  Some areas may need a smaller amount of lessons, whilst others may need a greater amount of time spending on them.  The amount of days for each unit are a guide.

In school, Reception follow White Rose Maths and Number Blocks and in Years 1 - 6, we use White Rose Maths which is supplemented by additional Mathematical Thinking problem solving tasks.

For more information about our approach to maths at Finchale Primary, have a look at the following link from the recent parents' meeting.

Mathematics Policy

Please find our mathematics policy below.  This identifies our approach to mathematics at Finchale Primary School.

Calculation Policy

Please find our Calculation Policy below.  This details the different methods that children will be using during their mathematics lessons to help them have a firmer understanding of the foundations of mathematics.  Children will use a variety of methods and representations, including using concrete resources (place value charts, place value counters, Base Ten, Numicon etc), using pictorial methods (drawing out the images including bar models, using dots or images to represent the numbers, using counters and drawing counters on a place value chart) and using abstract methods (using numerals to represent a sum or total and written, formal methods).   This policy also demonstrates the progression of skills across each year group.

National Curriculum Mapping

Please find our National Curriculum Mapping Below.  This shows how the scheme we follow (White Rose Maths) links to the EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 national curriculum.  It also demonstrates the progression of our curriculum in school.

Vocabulary Progression Document

Below, you can find our vocabulary progression document for mathematics.  This document is designed to assist with the teaching of vocabulary across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and is aligned with the White Rose schemes of learning. This document identifies in which year group vocabulary should be explicitly taught and introduced. However, language should be revisited in subsequent year groups to ensure children are consolidating their understanding.

Link to our 'Maths is Marvellous' page

Links to Mathematics Sites
