For further information on the curriculum that we teach, please speak with Mrs Lennox.
Great Fire of London week
Welcome back, Year 2! It’s absolutely wonderful to have you all back and raring to go! I am so proud of how you have all returned to school and how hard you are all working. We have an exciting year ahead of us and lots of fabulous new learning to come. Keep up this positivity and let’s get going!
Homework - Friday 23rd October
- Reading book and Bug Club - activelearn
- Spelling/Phonics – Ed shed (Spelling Shed)
Game 1 – the ‘oo’ and ‘yoo’ sounds spelled as u_e, ue and ew
Game 2 – Common Exception Words Autumn half term
- Maths Place Value - Tens and Ones - Ed Shed (Maths Shed)
- Listen to and join in with the counting by 2s, 5s and 10s songs
- Lorna's Creative Challenge (please see the link below)
- Photography competition (please see the link below)
- Talking Homework – Can you think of any examples of how you can be inclusive in school, at home and in any clubs that you attend?