Information provide by Bryony Carroll from the Piece of Mind team
This is a collection of resources aimed at helping children who are struggling with symptoms of anxiety based on a CBT approach.
WELLBEING FOR LIFE is A FREE service supporting you to live well in County Durham.
Date for your diaries.
We are holding an Anxiety Workshop for parents in school on Friday 19th May at 2.15pm or 4pm. Following the recent parent information sessions we have been made aware that parents would like to have information regarding anxiety in children, the signs to look out for and how to best support children. A letter regarding this will be sent out with your children.
Parents are invited to attend a Parent Information session in school on Tuesday 18th April 2023 to learn about Parent-led Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Parent-led CBT aims to increase a parent's confidence in their ability to help and support their child overcome anxieties. Anxiety is a normal emotion that can be useful to enhance performance and keep us safe. It can, however become a problem when it interferes with a child's everyday life. Does your child:
The above list is not exhaustive.
Bryony Carroll from the Piece of Mind team (previously Mental Health Support Team) is offering two sessions to give parents further information on Parent-led Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and how you can help to support your child with this. Please let us know if you can come along to either session on Tuesday 18th April at 2.30pm or 4.30pm by sending back the tear-off slip on the letter which will be sent out soon with all children. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs Rice. See below for the information leaflet.
The Action for Children - Parent Support Website is worth a look.
There is a lot of information and support for parents on Mental Health and Wellbeing, Behaviour, Parental Burnout and more. Also specific information on many different different topics such as sleep problems, nightmares and night terrors.
Take a look!
Tips for coping during Christmas from, click on the link below.
Click on the link below for a short video clip about the 5 ways to Wellbeing at Christmas
If you need some advice or support with matters surrounding conflict in relationships, take a look at the link below.
Please click on the link below for information from Mind relating to Mindfulness, how to practise it and how it can help with wellbeing and mental health problems.
Place2Be is a very helpful website with lots of useful information for parents and carers. Child mental health experts provide practical tips to support children's wellbeing and behaviour in the form of short videos and articles relating to a range of topics such as, 'My child keeps getting angry and lashing out', 'Safe social media for primary aged children' as well as 'My child is really annoying me!'
Please click on the link below for more information.
Click on the link below for ten tips for a happier family.