Statement of Intent
At Finchale Primary School, it is our intent for Design & Technology to offer children the chance to use creative thinking and design within a defined purpose and tangible outcome. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in a process of designing and making. We make use of a variety of resources (commercial kits such as Lego, KNEX construction and individual items such as cams and followers) to support our teaching. We aim to build on these year on year. Through the study of Design & Technology, pupils acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present Design and Technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
DT in Year 4
In Year 4, we have been looking at Structures, which expands our learning from our Tudor house makes in Year 2.
In Year 2 we learned that a cardboard cuboid box was a strong structure.
In Year 4, using sweets and cocktail sweets, we experimented with different shapes to find that triangles were the strongest shape.
We used this information to create our own designed towers, pavilions and structures.
Finally we used Seesaw to record our final products and evaluate the work we had done.
DT Week 2024: Evolution of TV Design.
During DT Week we worked together as a whole school just like a real design company to; design TVs and Remote Controls; improve our designs a number of times; share our designs with others. We also looked at the history of the televisions and how world events drove the technology
You are all:
Creative designers
Practical builders
Careful evaluators
Attentive listeners
Team Remote Control: Y1, Y3, Y5
Y1- Made remotes out of junk modelling, thinking about what buttons may be useful to have.
Y3- Took Y1's designs and improved them with detailed annotated designs. They then used SketchPad, an online application, to draw their designs.
Y5- Then took Y3's designs and improved them further. They then made remote controls out of paper applying their work in Maths on Nets and added a real LED light. Y5 then went back to Y1 and presented their finished projects.
Team TVs: Reception, Y2, Y4 and Y6
Reception- Made TVs out of cardboard boxes and then cut out windows so they could be on TV themselves.
Y2- Took Reception's designs and improved them further. They then made their designs out of Lego, although their models had to be scaled down slightly.
Y4- Took Y2's designs and improved them further. Y4 looked at futuristic technology in their designs including Smart watches that control the TV and TV glasses.
Y6- Then took Y4's designs, improved them and made them out of junk modelling. These models were very detailed and had some fantastic features. Y6 then took their models back to Reception and presented their finished projects.
Well Done to everyone at Finchale!
Design & Technology Masterclass!
This morning we were treated to an introduction to the coding programme, Crumble, by Michael Nelson. We started the morning with identifying the components in a simple electrical circuit and how this links to creating a code to light an LED bulb. We also used a Crumble board and an algorithm to create a series of flashing lights on one 'Sparkle' board and then with 2 'Sparkle' boards. Mr Nelson shared with us that this was what the Lumiere lights were made of. After practising using coding in other ways, we then created a set of code to move a vehicle in a square with flashing lights on it. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the morning. Mr Nelson praised the resilience of our class as everyone persevered, even when they found it difficult to solve any problems.