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Religious Education


Statement of Intent

At Finchale Primary School, we aim to provide a religious education curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges pupils, thus equipping them with the knowledge and understanding to explore the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society. We believe that it is an essential area of study, which ensures children are well prepared for life in a world where there a multitude of viewpoints. We enable the children to make their own informed decisions and to have the confidence to reflect personally and voice their views. 

We want our children to enjoy RE and develop resilient responses to misunderstandings, stereotyping and division. We want to offer the children a place where difficult or ‘risky’ questions can be tackled within a safe but challenging context.  

RE nurtures SMSC development and pupils’ understanding of diversity.  The children discuss challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.  A holistic approach to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC), British Values, and Community Cohesion focuses on preparing pupils for life in the 21st century.  

We aim to provide our children with religious literacy where they will develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other religious traditions and world views and explore their responses to life's challenges. This gives pupils the knowledge and skills to flourish both within their own community and as members of a diverse and global society.

RE Long Term Plan
