Home Page

Contact Details

Headteacher: Miss Ward

Finchale Primary School
Newton Hall

Tel: 0191 3865187


If you wish to contact the school, please use the above email address, or ring us.


When you contact our school your query will normally be addressed by our Office Manager, Mrs. Julieann Sludden.


We have two SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Coordinators) in school: Miss Johnstone (covering Reception through to February in Y3.)

Mrs. Marley (from March in Y3 through to the end of Y6)

and they can be contacted by getting in touch with the office or by email, at the above address.


The School Day

Infant Classes

Morning session

9.00 am - 12.00 noon


Afternoon session

1.15 pm - 3.25 pm




Junior Classes

Morning session

9.00 am – 12 noon


Afternoon session

12.55 pm - 3.25 pm


The above times mean we are open for 32 hours and 50 minutes in a typical week.


We ring the bell at 8.50am so that the children can enter the school at 8.55am.

Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at the beginning of the school day. If a child is late they should report to the school office so that registers and dinner numbers can be adjusted. 

Staff are available to supervise children in the playground at 8.50am. Children should not arrive before this time for reasons of health and safety.



Paper Copy Information

If you would like a paper copy of the information on this website, please contact the school office who will provide this free of charge.


Our Location

