Making Blood.
Year 6 were looking at the circulatory system as part of their science work and one of the activities was to look at what was in blood. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity of making blood, using everyday items to represent different parts.
The children added yellow food colouring to water to create the plasma. Then they put in salt, to show that minerals and chemicals were dissolved in our blood. Next some red food colouring was added, to make it more blood like. Oat hoops, which were dyed red, were the red blood cells and mini white marshmallows were mixed in for the white blood cells. Finally, raisins were dropped in to represent the platelets.
To have a go at making blood yourself or to find out more interesting facts about blood, follow the link below.
Year 4 had lots of fun exploring States of Matter with Captain Chemistry. We conducted many experiments including, creating our own water cycle, investigating which material is the best for insulating ice, extinguishing a candle with gas, creating a filtration system and making slime! Captain Chemistry also showed us some interesting things including, moving gas around the room and creating a rocket. We had so much fun - thank you for visiting us Captain Chemistry!
In Year 3, we investigated which biscuits would be best for dunking in cold milk. We discussed how we could measure if a biscuit was ‘good for dunking’ and decided that we would time to see how long a biscuit could stay half submerged in a glass of milk before it broke. We had 3 different biscuits to investigate – digestive, oat and chocolate digestive. Before we did the experiment, each group made a prediction to see which biscuit would last the longest and why. In our groups we each had a role: timer, dunker and recorder of results. After completing the experiment, we came to the conclusion that the chocolate digestive biscuit was the best biscuit for dunking, as it still hadn’t disintegrated after 5 minutes. We realised that the chocolate worked as a protective shield, helping to hold the biscuit crumbs together.
Year 3 have also set up an experiment to see what happens when you leave a damp piece of bread in a clear zip-lock bag. They have chosen to place bread by the window, in the book corner, in a drawer and by the sink. We will keep observing the bread over the next few days and weeks to see what happens.
Year 4 had lots of fun during British Science Week. We conducted a fair test to investigate which biscuit is the best to dunk in hot milk. We discussed how we could measure this and decided to time how long it would take each biscuit to break when in the hot milk. We tested digestives, ginger nuts and bourbon biscuits. We recorded our results and discussed these as a class. We came to the conclusion that the bourbon biscuit was the best biscuit to dunk in hot milk as it took the longest time to break. Some of us thought this was because the bourbon biscuit is thicker than the other biscuits. Year 4 really enjoyed this activity!
Which thickness of biscuit is best for dunking?
In Year 5, we investigated which thickness of biscuit would be best for dunking in a hot cup of tea. We discussed how we could conduct the investigation and what controlled variables we could put in place. We also discussed and agreed as a class what measure we would use as our guide to conclude if a biscuit was the best thickness for dunking. We used 3 different biscuits to investigate and tested the biscuits twice to see if our results were consistent and revealed any patterns in data. We felt that one of our uncontrolled variables could potentially sway the data so we adjusted our test conditions before retesting for a third time. The results, overall, revealed similar results. We had enormous fun carrying out this investigation.