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The Arts at Finchale


Choir have been busy carol singing at our PTA Christmas Fair, Lindisfarne Care Home and at the Durham Leadership Centre

Making Waves in Y1

Joella performed a duet, When the Saints, with Mrs Nower on her recorder during assembly

We have had another successful

Art Week at Finchale.

2024- All About Dots with Yayoi Kusama

Every year group completed a different piece of Art based on Dots.


Reception made dotty pictures using sticks and paint.


Year 1 used bubble wrap and paint to print pumpkin shapes onto black paper.


Year 2 used different coloured and sized stickers to recreate Yayoi's pumpkin and a flower inspired by her childhood.


Year 3 used Sketchpad on the iPads and the circle tool to create their own dotty art.


Year 4 used paint sticks to experiment how they could create different dots and then everyone got the opportunity to sew a button onto a piece of material to make a dotty textile.


Year 5 were given a single black dot on a piece of paper and asked to create their own piece of art from this.


Year 6 studied pointillism and still life painting to create dotty paints of fruit.


Everyone had a great time creating their dotty art work and some children were inspired to create their own at home. Everyone showed some fantastic personal development this week!


Thank you to the parents who came in after our Art week to look at our work and give such positive feedback. The children loved showing you all our work.

Here are a few photos of our week

English Link:

Finally, in class we enjoyed reading together two books. One about Yayoi Kusama and One by Ed Vere 'The Artist' which helped us to realise we are all artists at heart.


Our New School Song - A Rainbow of Kindness

Recording in a proper recording studio

Choir were invited to take part in the Festival of Languages song project. They had to learn Happy by Pharrell Williams in German, not an easy feat. They then spent the day at Collingwood College and were able to record both the English and German versions of the song in a real recording studio. Mrs Nower was so impressed with their positive attitude towards learning the German and how well they did.



Happy (Pharrell Williams) - German

Happy (Pharrell Williams) - English

Our First Finchale Art Week took Place in 2023!


As a whole school we learned about Vincent Van Gogh and each class took a different element of his sunflower painting to produce our own Art.



Our work will soon be displayed around school but here are a few photos of us doing this work.

During Art Week we also created some new art for the corridors inside of school to showcase all our art skills. Year 4 took part in some masking tape art!

During Art Week, we also took part in the colour run, which was a lot of colourful fun!

2022 - 2023

Year 2 enjoying using the percussion instruments in their session with Mrs Hughes.

Tin Arts came to do a taster session in school.

Year 3 enjoyed creating some cave art.

Emily and Olivia

A Brass Concert featuring Year 5 and 6 children.
