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Year 4

Stay safe, make others smile and look forward 😍

6th July - A little message from me... and a couple of pictures of Barnaby at the end 😊🐢

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Tips for wellbeing & looking after yourself

Resources for during school closure 

Some PE ideas - visit for more!

Why not learn British Sign Language?

Y4 Electricity - key info

Scientists and inventors

Ideas for Outdoor Adventurous Activities (PE) at home

Word games for families

Virtual Tours - some more educational than others but all looks fun! I’m unable to post the links to these but if you search for them on google, they should come up. Have fun!

Disney World offers a free virtual tour of the park on Google

Elmwood Park Zoo is offering free educational Facebook livestreams 

Explore offers free livestreams and videos from all over the world 

Google Earth is offering free virtual tours of National Parks 

Legoland offers a free virtual tour of their Lego Hotel 

The Louvre offers free virtual museum tours 

NASA offers free virtual tours including Ohio’s own Glenn Research Center

Seaworld Orlando offers a free interactive virtual tour of their park

The Cincinatti Zoo offers free livestreams and educational videos

The National Aquarium offers several free livestreams of the world’s coral reefs

The National Women’s History Museum offers a free virtual tour and educational resources 

The Smithsonian’s National Museum offers a free virtual tour 

The Smithsonian’s National Zoo offers the Panda Cam livestream and educational lesson plans 

the Van Gogh Museum offers a free virtual tour on Google 

Wild Earth offers free educational videos and livestreams in the African Safari

Arithmetic questions - In the format of a test but to be worked through as a booklet rather than a test if you opt for this.

Optional Science challenges - depending on what you have at home and if you would like to!

Check out what children in Year 4 have been up to!

Ava has created a fantastic pizza box model of Italy. Well done, Ava - fantastic work!

Times Tables Rock!

Jack has been experimenting with butter and jam, finding out what happens when you heat/cool it. Well done, Jack!

Jack and his brother Oliver have been enjoying music sessions during lockdown & have recently taken part in a duet! Well done, boys. Fabulous work!

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Jack playing in a duet with his dad. Well done!

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Jack and his brother Oliver have been thoroughly enjoying any opportunity that they have had to rehearse some of their sports skills outside! Well done, boys - good work.

Dan has been really enjoying reading his Tom Gates books. He has finished his second and has since since started his 3rd! Well done, Dan!

Daniel has been working hard at home, completing VE Day activities. Well done, Daniel!

For VE day Ava and her family made some bunting out of old wallpaper and paint. They also made a Union Jack. The family had a social distancing street party where they all had picnics on their front garden. Ava and her family did a VE day quiz and had a scavenger hunt to find certain things in our own houses. Their street raised Β£74 for the Royal British Legion.

Charlie and his sister Sadie were very creative and very kind on VE Day, making 77 cupcakes before delivering these to everyone in their street. Well done, guys! What a lovely act of kindness!

Rebecca and Edward have been decorating their garden with homemade bunting to celebrate VE Day. Well done to both of you!

Robert commemorating VE Day with his family, after helping to decorate his home. Well done, Robert!

Harry and his brother Jake created some fantastic VE Day bunting. Well done, boys.

Jack and Oliver working hard with a little bit of motivational help from the sunshine! Well done, boys.

Harriet and her mum have been taking time for some music, singing the Disney song 'I larva you' - inspired by home learning around the topic of volcanoes. Amazing work!

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Well done to Ruby and her sister Orla. Ruby has been making a rainbow mobile from pompoms and Orla has been helping her to bake a very nice cake (yum yum!) for a family baking competition. Well done, girls!

Ava has made excellent flower art, using the cardboard from toilet roll. Well done, Ava!

Robert's lovely rainbow picture. Well done, Robert!

Daniel's very detailed work on volcanoes. Well done, Dan!

Oscar has been creating a lovely rainbow picture. Well done, Oscar!

Daniel has created a fantastic frog model. Well done, Daniel!

Imogen has been completing some lovely rainbow art. Well done, Imogen.

Harry has been working hard creating a model inspired by nature. Well done, Harry!

Harriet and her family have been on a lovely walk through Houghall Woods. They went searching for Bluebells and learned a lot about them, they looked at areas in the woodland and talked about the animals that may live there, they looked at the bugs near to the base of a tree and they learned a lot from their dad about the rings on the base of a tree. They learned that the rings were patterned to show 1 year per ring. This way they could age the tree. They counted the rings and there were 28 rings. Therefore, the tree must have been 28 years old. Their dad explained the gaps between the rings showed how much it had grown that year. Some gaps showed slow growth that year and some large gaps showed fast growth where the tree had grown more that year. Fascinating stuff! Well done guys! They looked at maps and read about the area. How amazing! To top it all off, they managed to walk 12000 steps on their walk, went home and treated themselves to some shortbread.

Rosie and her family have been creative in their garden, making a wigwam from sticks and decorated with painted bedsheets. Rosie's brother Rik did most of the construction/building of it, Rosie did most of the painting and mum and dad assisted where needed. A brilliant team effort, guys! Well done! Rosie has also been doing some excellent home learning in Maths and English. She has also been researching Australia , marsupials, the local area and woodland flowers.

Phoebe has been busy baking for her family, enjoying fresh air and walks with her dog Brownie and playing Monopoly. She has been reading a lot and she took part in an escape room too where we had to do some maths and English and follow clues to get out of her bedroom. Phoebe and her family missed going on their holiday to Sri Lanka so they pretended to be on a plane and Phoebe's little sister Sadie did a safari in the garden with her teddies! Well done, Phoebe.

Dan has been very busy at home - making plant labels for the garden out of cans, creating his own solar system model, baking cakes and icing them with constellation patterns. He has also created a number of different garden decorations, has built his own bird feeder and has been cooking for the family (yum!) Well done, Dan.

Jack and his sister Holly have been taking part in some excellent Art activities and Jack has been experimenting with balloons! Well done, guys! Excellent work.

Last week Aidan enjoyed an Australia themed day, where with his family, he dusted for fingerprints after discovering that koalas have fingerprints very similar to humans. Aidan has also enjoyed making fresh bread (and pizza, yum!) as well as researching information about Australia with his sister. Well done Aidan. If you want to find out more about koalas and Australia, see the links below.

smiley Our PE sessions for this half term (Spring 1) will be on a Monday and a Friday smiley

Year 4’s Class Assembly this year was all about being SMART online. Children performed some catchy songs to their audience, delivering the important message of staying safe online. Throughout the assembly the children shared important examples and words of wisdom about turning to an adult that they trust if they ever see anything online which upsets them or makes them feel uncomfortable in any way.Children shared their SMART rules, giving advice on what to do if anybody encountered any problems online. The S stands for Safe and Secure (keep your personal information safe), the M stands for Meet (do not agree to meet anyone you meet on the internet), the A stands for Accept (do not accept any e-mails or messages from people you don’t know because they may contain mean messages or nasty viruses that would harm your computer), the R stands for Reliable (do not always rely on information that you find on the internet. It may not be correct) and the T stands for Tell (if something upsets you when you are on the internet, always TELL an adult, whether you are in school or at home). Well done, Year 4. You worked very hard to deliver a very important message to our audience. Our Safer Internet Day celebrations will take place on 11th February. More information about online and digital safety can be found on our school website under the β€˜Parents’ tab.

Year 4 enjoyed dressing in their pyjamas and Pudsey clothing to raise money for Children in Need. We contributed to an excellent total of Β£192 raised across our school! Well done Y4

Year 4 really enjoyed taking part in the Gymnastics Festival at Durham Gymnastics Club this week.

Year 4 are learning about the artist Edward Tingatinga in Art. We are studying the patterns, colours and shapes that he uses. Some of his paintings can be seen below. The children will be choosing their own African animal to create their own painting in the style of Edward Tingatinga. Watch this space for pictures of the finished products! :)

Year 4 took part in the Quicksticks Hockey Festival and had a wonderful time developing their skills in using hockey equipment and playing hockey games. The children represented the school really well and demonstrated great sportsmanship. Well done to everyone who took part – it was really impressive to see how quickly they all mastered dribbling, passing and stopping the ball.

Year 4 have been completing some excellent homework projects, inspired by our topic of The Romans.

Year 4 have been working hard on their place value skills and knowledge, using concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations to understand more about numbers.

Year 4 were visited by the fabulous Captain Chemistry, who taught them a lot about β€˜Sound’ through experimenting and observing. We explored the way that rice vibrates on a surface when attached to an amplifier. We also looked at a wonderful resource called an β€˜air-zuker’ which helped us to observe how sound waves travel through the air. We experimented with the concept of blocking sound, using our knowledge of electricity to build a circuit with a buzzer before experimenting with resources that might be used as ear defenders. Taking learning outside, we experimented with how sound travels slower than light over distance, measuring the speed in milliseconds. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed the whole day! Thank you Captain Chemistry!

Year 4 joined in with Children in Need Day by wearing our pyjamas, onesies and Pudsey clothing. We helped to raise money for those less fortunate and had fun in the process!

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed Finchale Spooky Maths Day! We have completed halloween tasks around times tables, column subraction and addition, Roman Numerals and rounding (amongst many other topics!) Well done Year 4, you have been scarily wonderful at Maths today!

Year 4 have been working really hard throughout all subjects to think about how we can use our vocabulary choices to create the best work possible. We are focusing on the effect that vocabulary can have on the audience and also how vocabulary should be selected for a certain purpose. The word wall in our classroom is really helping us to develop our vocabulary so that we can make powerful, appropriate and accurate choices. We are really enjoying learning new words too! There are so many out there (many of which sound really cool!)

Year 4 have really enjoyed the last couple of weeks of History work, where we have started to learn about The Romans!

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their homework task of designing their own Greek vases. Our classroom looks lovely with this work on display!

Year 4 took some time to think about mental health during World Mental Health Day. We thought about what could make us feel a range of emotions and who we could talk to about how we felt. We also focussed on what we can do to make ourselves, and others, feel positive in our day to day lives.

Children in Year 4 have been thinking very carefully about how to stay safe online and on digital devices. This is an ongoing topic of conversation in our classroom and we have written our advice for one another.

Year 4 have produced some beautiful poetry about Africa, using the technique of personification. Inspired by a poem called β€˜The River’ by Valerie Bloom, we were able to focus on bringing Africa to life for our readers!

Year 4 are thoroughly enjoying learning about the Ancient Greek period. Amongst many other things, we have been writing newspaper articles about the Ancient Greek olympics and we have also been considering the reliability of different sources. We considered what we could learn and infer about the period from primary and secondary sources.

Year 4 celebrated National Poetry Day by looking at different poetic features, styles and purposes. One of the poems that we wrote during the week was a poem about our school values. These were excellent! Well done Year 4!

Year 4 have been thinking about our Finchale School Values, in particular focussing in the meaning of the values and what these values might look like around school.

Having studied a poem called β€˜The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough, Year 4 created their own poetry about the sounds of Kenya. Well done! Great work!

Some of our children in KS2 took part in the Durham Schools Cross Country competition and represented our school in such a positive way! All children were excellent. The levels of determination, sportsmanship and respect that we saw were wonderful. Well done in particular to the Y3/Y4 Boys team who came 1st in the competition and the Y3/4 Girls team who came second! We had many personal bests and Phoebe from Year 4 achieved 3rd place in her race. Well done!

Year 4 have been thoroughly enjoying their Computing sessions on Scratch where they have been designing and making their own Theseus and the Minotaur Maze Game. Well done! Great programming!

Across our school, we have been celebrating European Day of Languages 2019. In Year 4 we have been looking at Greece, learning about their language, location, traditions and culture. We particularly enjoyed researching vocabulary that originates from the Greek language and also trying some of the regional flavours such as olives, feta cheese, pita bread, seasame breadsticks and Cretian honey.

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed using a special t-shirt and Augmented Reality technology to explore the insides of their bodies. They focussed in particular on the digestive system as they are studying this in Science. The children were able to see 3D pictures of parts such as their liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, oesophagus and intestines. The children were even able to click to β€˜hop into’ the small intestine and see what it looked like from the inside!

Year 4 are thoroughly enjoying their French with Mrs Hamill!

Children in Year 4 have worked hard in their first week to produce their own description of a lion after beginning to read our class novel - The Butterfly Lion. Well done!

Year 4 have enjoyed creating their own Ancient Greek plates, thinking carefully about colours, patterns and symbols. It has been great to see such enthusiasm during our first week in Year 4!
