Home learning fun!
Here are some examples of what you have all been up to at home! Keep the pictures and videos coming, they are fantastic!
Theo has been creating his own weather report with his sister, Chloe. They are amazing, take a look by clicking on the links below...
Message from Miss Johnstone 🙂 17.04.20
(If you see this please let others know about it, I’d really appreciate it!)
Morning everyone! Since it’s hard to stay in contact with you all during isolation I thought it would be nice to put a quick message on our class page to check in with you all. 🙂
I hope you and your families are staying safe and making some memories within the safety of your own home. I miss you all lots and can’t wait to be able to make some more memories with you in school! I have been spending a lot of time playing with my little dog - Rory. What have you all been up to?
Also! I managed to pass on your letters to the elderly people at the care home and they were incredibly happy and thankful for what you all did. You really made a difference and put a smile on their faces so well done to you! 😀
Reg, I received your Easter egg and postcard! It put a very big smile on my face, thank you so much ☺️
Continue doing what you are doing. Do what you can, when you can and however you can dependant on your family circumstances. The most important thing at the moment is that you are all safe. Remember, we are all in this journey together (including the adults!). I miss you a great deal and can’t wait to be back so that I can see how much you have all grown... and how many teeth you have lost!!
See you soon, I hope.
Miss Johnstone 💖
What are we doing in school today?
Welcome to Year 1
A new term and new beginnings!
Welcome back everyone. I look forward to the year ahead with you all as we have lots of exciting things planned!
Meet the Teacher 2019
Key Information:
PE sessions - Monday and Tuesday.
Finchale Fitness - Daily.