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The Arts at Finchale 2020 - 2022

Musical Activities

Children in Year 4 have been given the opportunity to learn a brass instrument, some the mini Trombone and some the Tenor Horn. After just a few weeks, they have made great progress.

Year 3 are continuing to do well in their Ukulele lessons. They have been playing along and singing to Three Little Birds by Bob Marley and learning the chords C, F and G7.

Music in Lockdown 

As part of their Under the Sea topic of Theme Week, Year 4 listened to Aquarium by Saint-Saens (Carnival of the Animals) and put movements to the music.

Year 3 were learning a new song.

Still image for this video

Harriet singing

Still image for this video

Grade 1 Success for Freya

Summer Term

Year 4 created some effective artwork using different techniques such as sponging, peeling tape and pencil shading.

Year 1 made some fantastic lighthouses for a homework project. They had been learning about Grace Darling.

As part of their Art and DT topic year 5 designed some picnic food, which they made using Mod Roc and then painted.

With every person colouring a different part, Year 2 have completed this great collage of one of their favourite book characters, Harry Potter.

Yr 4 designed masks on paper and then in clay, of the Anglo-Saxon King Raedwald.

Year 1 have used creative colouring techniques to produce their fruity 3D designs.

Reception have created some Gaudi inspired artwork, using a mosaic effect. Gaudi is a famous, Spanish artist.

Spring Term

Year 2 performed their dance routine based on Superheroes. Here are some shots of them preparing for their dance.

Reception have been practising life drawing skills, looking at some Daffodils, with great results.

Using the artist Miro as their inspiration, Year 5 have made some fantastic sculptures.

Safari silhouettes by Year 4.

Year 5 enjoyed trying out different drawing and colouring techniques to produce some 3D artwork.

Year 1 used a watercolour technique and old newspapers to make their Superhero art. They look great.

Year 5 had a go at some vanishing art. Although it was a challenge, the children really enjoyed the activity.

Whilst studying their topic of The Great Fire of London, Year 2 have made some fantastic Tudor houses and artwork depicting the fire.

Year 2 have created some animal artwork, using silhouettes and an Aboriginal style using dots.

One of the activities Year 3 completed during Lockdown, was making worry dolls out of pegs and other materials. It was quite fiddly at times, but the children did a great job.

Year 4 created some colourful, pop-up artwork of the Roman Colosseum

Autumn Term

Year 3 have been exploring moving parts in their Mechanical Posters DT topic. Their posters needed to promote the joy of Christmas.

Here are a few more of their completed designs.

Year 2 were delighted to have a visit from Santa.

We were still able to enjoy our Christmas Sing along this year, although it had to be held outside and socially distanced. Unfortunately parents and carers weren't able to join us but the PTA had decorated the yard and we all joined in with the songs, despite the chilly wind.

We gathered at the Memorial Garden on Remembrance Day. We read poems, sang songs and observed a moments silence.

Year 3 foraged for berries, leaves and mud and so they could recreate cave paintings.

These are some of our fantastic Harvest Competition entries. Everybody has been so imaginative again this year.

During their WW1 topic, Year 6 have produced some artwork in the style of war artist Paul Nash.

After looking at the artist Piet Mondrian, Year 5 have created their own designs in his style.

Year 2 have been excited to begin learning the Ukulele. They have focussed on the C chord and learning how to strum.

Year 4 have created some great mosaics of Roman soldiers, particularly those that wore the impressive Gallic Helmet.

Year 3 have used repeating patterns to create their Russian Doll artwork.
